Tentang Kami

Organisasi masyarakat Sungai Jariang untuk pembangunan manusia berazaskan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.

Lokasi Kami

Ikatan Warga Sungai Jariang berlokasi di Jabodetabek, sebagai wadah musyawarah dan pengembangan masyarakat untuk kemajuan bersama.


Masjid Baiturrahman Sungai Jariang, Kompleks Karang Tengah Permai Blok TO2 NO. 10, (via jalan Sungai Cantiga), Kel. Karang Timur - Kec. Karang Tengah, Kota Tangerang - Banten 15157


09:00 - 17:00

Ikatan Warga Sungai Jariang memberikan wadah yang luar biasa untuk berkolaborasi dan membangun komunitas yang lebih baik di Jabodetabek. Sangat bermanfaat!

Budi Santoso

A group of people are gathered indoors, mostly seated at tables covered with white cloths. An older woman dressed in white is standing with her arms raised, surrounded by others who are listening or engaging with each other. The setting has wooden paneling on the walls and a gray floor, suggesting a community event or gathering.
A group of people are gathered indoors, mostly seated at tables covered with white cloths. An older woman dressed in white is standing with her arms raised, surrounded by others who are listening or engaging with each other. The setting has wooden paneling on the walls and a gray floor, suggesting a community event or gathering.
